Promoting Telehealth

Let parents and caregivers know that telehealth is an option in your practice.

Download and share social media graphics, videos and links to articles to help families in your practice better understand the basics of a telehealth appointment and how to get ready for one. Share messages on your own social networks using these prepared posts. Check back often as more tools will be added to the toolkit!

All posts should include the hashtag #Telehealth101

Apps for Breastfeeding Support

Here are a few breastfeeding related apps that pediatricians might consider adding to their devices. 

Oklahoma Breastfeeding Resource Center

A look at the OBRC and how they support healthcare providers, organizations, and families with breastfeeding education.

Greetings from your Chapter Breastfeeding Coordinator!

An introduction to Dr. Malinda Webb, the OKAAP Chapter Breastfeeding Coordinator.